Stupid allergies… Always gotta be messing up everyone’s day! Bleh!
So allergy season is upon us again. Terrible time ya know. And of course the only plant everyone seems to ever use to landscape anywhere I go is Confederate Jasmine, which is like the most pungent thing in the universe and turns my brain into a punching bag. XP
Anyways, lots of really cool changes happening over at the Minecraft site. Mod APIs, super duper updates, creepers are afraid of cats now… good stuff! Oh, and Terraria seems to have some good updates too! Mods is one of them so that’s fun!
Ps… SWTOR 1.2! Wewt!
Sorry, today is kind of random stuff… Kind of excited, got some super special stuff coming your way and I’m about 4/7 the way through with it. >D hehe, cryptic! In other news, I was considering adding a whole “game/movie/tech review” section to the site. I kind of touched on this with accompanying comics, but I was thinking about doing some straight up reviews (in my usual laid back writing style). Wondering what your thoughts are on this. I think it’ll fit in with the whole “gaming and geeking” aspect of the site, even though it started off as a wowcraft weekly comic, I think it’s taken on a life of its own so maybe it would fit. Anyways, always love to hear feedback from you good folks, so let me know! And let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see the site do!
I used to get my bought of allergies in the winter, but they seem to have gone away. Whenever I do get sniffly with no fatigue (my number one indicator of illness) allegra gets rid of it for me. Although not at allegra speed, more like allegretto. Still, at least the bottle last longer and I don’t have to take a pill everyday like claritin type products.
In misc. news, I got into the MoP beta today, wooo!
But beta is beta and the launcher outright broke and now I can’t test frost mage stuff. Boo! Hopefully it’ll be working better tomorrow.
ew, that’s the worst time for them! allergies and colds together! ack! usually claritin is where I have to go to… but if it’s really bad outside, then I’ll just have to hunker down with my advil and ride it out. unfortunately, sometimes the pollen can trigger my migraines (used to have them extremely bad) and that’s a bad time for everyone. and also unfortunately, here in FL, the plants are stupid; so no matter what time of year it is, as long as it rains for one day, everything will bloom the next. it’s madness!!!
cool! I haven’t even checked on my status yet. I’d like to test it out if I can. dunno if I’ll be going back just yet… kind of having a blast in outer space if you catch my drift. let me know your thoughts once you get your hands on it!
YES IT’S FINALY OUT!!!!!!!! This is awsome becase when i play MMO’s i like to make alot of alts and often my first charter is not my main one. So if there is a system that rewards having alts SO MUCH WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same thing happens to me. almost always my first max level isn’t my main, lol! made a BH to 50, then leveled my main mage. XD kinda the same with wow… I spent the first few weeks of my wow career leveling to about 15-20 then deleting the character cause I didn’t like the name or how it looked… finally got my hunter up and stayed there. then leveled my horde mage… which ended up sitting on a shelf cause I was kicking tail with my pally! >D
Hi, I’m Coffinshaker and I’m an altaholic!
I’m liking the legacy system… it’s a very nice way to get players to experience more of the game.
Also when i re-sub to wow worgen priest or dwarf priest
psh, that’s an easy one!
Dwarves all the way!!!! I LOVED the dwarves in wow! they’re the best!
Ok shounds good and ill make my worgen a death knight becase a worg DK is so awsome!
Ok so i like to use a race a never used before for my classes so im thinking a troll shammy and a orc mage or that in reverse!
Oh and im giving my undead to my warlock so no worries!
nope, veto! all dwarves! XD
though troll shammies are teh sexy!
I’ve got a allergy -lie… thingy… two years ago, but it’s gone now. Wonder if it was cuz they took out the metal bar they put into my chest so my bones won’t skewer my insides. Hmm…
hmm, sounds interesting! um, I know some allergies can come and go. and even when they shove medical stuff into you can have an effect… i’m no expert, so don’t quote me on any of this though. unless I’m right, then you heard it here first! XD
wonder if you were having a reaction to the kind of metal they used… hmm >\
I should stay clear of Titanium then.
Yep, having not a signal allergy is really the bee’s knees. The improved mod API is quiet an improvement and I’m pretty sure that’s not the end of it. Personally I would love to see endermen running around with creepers in there arms.
yes but only if it first yells “like, zoinks!”