Ain’t it the truth? Well, if you’re familiar with the SWTOR game, then you’ve probably noticed a disturbingly low volume of water in the galaxy. Every planet with water is only waist deep at it’s lowest point. Pretty concerning if I do say so myself. Maybe it’s that global warming all those scientists were talking about.
Anyways, talking about fishing, I’m kind of disturbed/disappointed that there is a lack of such in swtor. It was one of my favorite little passtimes in the wowcrafts and it seems like it’d be something nice to have in the star wars galaxy. Ah well… at least there’s space combat…
Well this a can help with!
A. Corasunt, nar shadsa and other city-planets have their own underground water supply
B. when you see a planet that is not a wasteland your never seing the whole thing so their is probely an ocean.
C.mosture farm’s for desert planets
D. For wealther planets with out ocean’s they get their water off-word
And honestly fishing would not work in swtor
Speaking of swtor i unsubscibed
Becase the game was not enjoyable for be becase it was so buggy and laggy on my laptop it’s still a very young MMO
Also played the demo for warhammer 40k dawn of war 2 LOVED IT!
It’s a real-time stragty focused around squad control, hero’s and abilites, also diffrent you custimse your army insted of building bases! Great game and the demo is free on steam, it’s a good taste of the general backround and combat.
Oh but in the future i dont know when .. I will re-sub in the mean time i wanna taste other types lf games and spend the extra money on makeing a warhammer army togher! I hear world of tanks os pretty good (ot even has a brony guild)
good points!
awe, sad to hear ya go! yeah, it’s pretty new, but if it keeps up the current pace, it’ll definitely be one of the top mmos in a year or so. personally, I’m staying cause I like the scifi atmosphere more than fantasy. but to each their own.
I tried to install world of tanks like 3 times but ended up not cause it makes you install pando media blaster, which contains some spyware… it’d be a good idea to run some major anti malware and delete pando after you download WoT.
Psst, Druds, did you read my post on the previous strip?
I also like fishing but dont thinkmit fit’s into the swtor gameset
psh… lightsaber fishing!
And now, after reading the title, I have “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Iron Maiden playing in my head… Of course, this was probably intended (if not that, then simply the actual poem by Wordsworth), but I’d like to believe you were going for Maiden :)
eh, always gotta err on the side of Maiden… >)
I didn’t think anyone actually LIKED fishing in WoW. People I know did it either to help easily level cooking, or to cook for food buffs, or they were achievement junkies, or like myself did it because it was a quick easy daily to do while waiting for battlegrounds to pop or your friend to come online or something. Even then alot of the fishing dailies didn’t actually require any “fishing”. The ones that did usually went something like “cast, put cursor over bobber, watch TV, listen for splash sound, click, repeat” for me.
Pretty much everyone I know agreed that it was pretty boring and could have been reworked to be more fun, same with archeology. One of my guildmates used to have his kid fish for him because he said “I hate the repetition and time involved, but I guess its sort of a fun little game to keep a toddler occupied.” That guy always had fish feasts, hehe. We joked that he had a second kid because his first one was getting older and was getting bored with it.
With that said I suppose I wouldn’t mind fishing in Star Wars if they made it more interesting, or something that was just for fun and wasn’t needed for other professions or special buffs. With all the technology in the universe, I don’t really see taking a break from cruising around in their space ships to break out an old school rod and line for anything more then a hobby anyhow. Maybe they would have some sort of crazy tractor beam fish grabber thing or something? Might be cool.
Hey! Watch what you say about achievment junkies!! hehe
And I think that poor kid is gonna get back at his father one day. :/
Hah! No disrespect for the achievement hunters intended! I just know some people that never would have picked up a fishing pole if it wasnt for those “cheevos”. And yeah, the kid totally should, maybe when his dad retires he can have him do some payback farming with his newfound free time in Diablo 12 or whatever.
lol, I liked fishing in wow… well… mainly for the challenge at first!
see, back in my dwarven days, I had quite a business operation going! I sold Elixirs of Giant Growth! “All natural gnome enhancement!” where one of the key ingredients was Deviate Fish, found only in the heart of Horde territory! so I would trek forth deep through hostile terrain for a chance to catch this most elusive creature. I would stock up on as much as I could before droves of vicious taurens would descend upon me. and with a little alchemic magic, your uncle bob would come running along with a nice elixir to cure what ails you! it was fun and exciting on a pvp server to do this. made freakin good money at it too!
I personally am a fishing fan, but see a couple of issues for the Star Wars universe for including it. Mainly, the idea that you might accidentally nail a poor, innocent Nautolan or Mon Calamari (or the less-innocent Quarren) with a stray hook. Nobody wants to bump off Ackbar’s grandpappy, after all. Secondly, it’s a bit of a stretch for the economies considered, in some cases. The colonies might have very real reason to engage in fishing, but the only colony worlds we really see much of (granted, I’m not finished, so I can’t be certain) are Taris and Tython…. Taris fishies strike me as bad mojo, and in Tython, it seems like it might be something like the fleshraiders having devastated the ecosystem which caused the issue. I mean, they’ve gone to eating sentients, so they’re likely pretty desparate for food. I dunno, maybe it would work, it just seems overall a stretch for the story. (However, I have to admit, my first time ever, as a smuggler on Ord Mantell, I waded straight into the water [they said it would be quite the swim!] and died trying to reach the Separatist base on the nearby island because of the exhaustion zone…. Guess we’re just not built for extended water contact.)
I could see you reeling in a mon calamari and big red text pops up “IT’S A TRAP” and you get ambushed by a whole group of them! XD
heh, that could be fun!
after reading your comic and reading the text, all i can see is that red guy (the name of his species eludes me…Iridonian?) fishing up a selkath baby, and then everything getting awkward super quick.
He a sith “pureblood” (though lorewise all those in SWTOR with any kind of sith ancestry are actually half-breeds), so I guess hell be ok with killing those selkath babies.
Besides, I ABSOLUTLLY HATED the selkath when I was playing KOTOR 1, they were too neutral and politically correct, like the USA. Grrr.
BTW, if humans and sith can have fertile descendants doesn’t it make us, from a biological stand point, the same species?
yick! so that’s why people don’t breed with sting rays…
lol silly, that’s actually one of the first quests you get on the home planet for the force users… they have you go around testing the people in charge to see how sithy they really are… long story short, it don’t look good. but I did back talk the pureblood guy a bit cause he was being really snobish about it! sorry guy, trying to keep genetics “pure” hasn’t worked out great for anyone… ever! just ask those royal princes with 3 arms and 2 heads…
I am not much of a fishing fan, although I know many ”Hardocore” fishers.
If SWTOR would ever let you fish though, I want Mon Calamari to be added in as a new Planet and we are allowed to ”FISH THEM ” !
ah yes, the world of Dac… it would be fun to explore but sadly the entire planet would only be waist deep… XD
actually, it would make to be a nice similarity to wow’s vash’ir (sp?) under water area! but with more traps…
I actually liked Vash’ir and it’s system….too bad they didn’t worked on it more with the underwater raid and all.
I think that could work for SWTOR as they might add DAC with the new underwater feature. They have to deal with ”How this weapon work underwater ? How people gonna breath underwater ? How will the skills work underwater ?! ” and so forth….and I guess they have many stories on topside so far.