Might be a little slow on the draw with this one… but not too long ago (when I wrote down the idea), the Canadian Dollar had actually surpassed the US Dollar in value! Sure, it might only be just a few cents, but historically we US folks generally considered getting Canadian currency from vending machines to be something of a misfortune. Mainly because, in our eyes, it was mostly worthless. I guess you could slip one by if nobody was looking and sometimes the soda machines will take them, if they were an older model. But for the most part, you can’t use them for much of anything. I suppose you can say that about most foreign currencies, but Canada is like right there and our coins are pretty similar in shape, size, and color. Thus, we get a lot of them from time to time as well as bouts of rage from virtually losing a coin.
But now the glove’s on the other foot, eh! That Canadian Quarter you got from the vendomatic is (err… sporadically and temporarily) worth more than your stinky old US Quarter! Kind of a bad measure of economics I suppose, but at face value it doesn’t look very good for us. Ya know, since both currencies are soooo close in value, why don’t we just do the Euro thing and merge them? Our countries are kinda glued together so it makes sense… well… for simplicity anyways. Makes you wonder if we should just do a single global economy since it seems to be all tied together already.
Oh, fun little fact about currencies! A few years back they tried pushing the “Sacagawea Dollars” and I guess their idea of integrating them into the system was to stock vending machines with them… and only them. Kind of backfired because I remember getting a ton of them from soda/food machines and every place I went refused to take them. Guess it was because they looked like foreign coins. I think I ended up turning them in at the bank for real money. heh! >)
To your last comic
Ya “to each their own” /toast
yup! there’s something for everyone.
What did you expect after your geverment and FED bank dump endless amounts of currency into economy? Amount of resources and services you can buy is still the same.
Therefore value of money will drop.
General point of money is to make exchange of a cows for bread easier. (One does not need instantly 50kg of bread for his cow, it is much more usefull to sell cow for something you can steadily exchange for bread in longer run).
Sure one can midly influence economy both ways by emitting/destroying currency… but when it seizes to be mild… well war always started after that.
hmm, but if more people get laid off, then the ability to produce products and provide service will decrease, making those few with money even richer! lol… dunno if that’s how it works, but sounds good on paper.
screw it, lets just do the barter system again! >D
OH I remember those coins, I think I still have a couple somewhere. My mom used to give us those in place of quarters when teeth fell out.
Probably was cooler to us than for somebody further east because we are relatively near Astoria, and went to the old settlement tourist area a couple times. It looks nice, they restored it pretty well and had some actors basically hanging about in the appropriate garb of the time.
lol! that’s pretty cool!
I’ve been thinking about trying to get the world on a single currency for a long time now. Everyone wants to help all the other poor countries and people that need help until they find that it might inconvenience them in the SLIGHTEST way, then they’re more then ready to kick the people in need in the teeth and walk off without looking back.
A single world economy and currency would be rough for about 5 years, at MOST, until everything got smoothed out and then everything would simplify. It would not only make day to day life and travel easier, it would reduce the resources used on different printing plates, coin presses, and probably cash in general. To make things even easier just make all cash transferred through debit/credit cards to FURTHER cut back on resources being wasted, it would make carrying your “money” more secure and you wouldn’t have to worry about going to a bank or ATM to withdraw money every other day.
Oh please… COME to Europe to actualy see the economical devastation of currency that is designed for German economy on Greece, Spain, Italy, Portuges, Ireland… they are collapsing. And in my opinion no amount of political babling can change that.
And well to have working ATM or working credit card… you need electricity avaiable 24/7… and well good luck, most ofthis planet is not up to this standard and given out limited ability to produce energy won´t be in next hundreth years.
and btw… one single coordinated “terrorist” attack on powergrids between northern germany with utter excess of wind powerplants and my country and Poland through which in autumn this excess grows and 3/4 of Europe will be in stone age for months without any electricity… no fridges, no pumps to transfer fuels, no water distribution (pumps again)
At that point electronic currency? Worthless… and useless.
I’m kind of afraid of the whole “electronic currency”. I mean, with physical currency, you know how much you have and how much is in the system… when it’s all digital, there’s a lot of room for error and it seems easily abusable. so for now I’m not sold on it.
maybe what we need is something like a “credit”… yeah, from the star wars people… something that’s near impossible to reproduce or costs of reproduction are the same as the currency itself. like gold or something, but much less heavy. or just do away with money altogether and find a reasonable alternative.
Well in Star wars there is both… elecetronic curency (credit “chips”) which can be drawing from acount or have fixed amount directly on them programed on them… how they “secure it” against hackers is beyond me.
or some credits are real coins… When Obi-wan and Anakin went to buy living ship from Zonama Sekoth they payed using two ingots of really rare metal alloy. (in galactic scale) single handheld ingot was worth few hundreth thousand Republic credits (mind that in that era one needed ten credits per day to decently survive in “common” Coruscant…)
I was never fan of electronic currency… too easy to go under 0 on acount… and that makes a lot of trouble…
I remember when I first saw sacagawea coins. I was going to a baseball game and I got them as change from the train station…when I got to the game I felt awkward using those coins because I hardly considered it money myself.
Even more fun was when they had presidents on the coins, so when I got one from school me and my friends could wonder who the hell Millard Fillmore was
I kind of feel the same way about the new sets of dollars we have… with the big faces on them… they just feel like fake monopoly money.
Yeah, I prefer real monopoly money - it’s worth more.
[Psst - the CDN$ was worth more back in the 60s and before as well]
Outside of Paeris rantings and ravings the observations have a gleam of truth to them - too bad the person is challenged on oh so many levels.
Part of the root problems in the modern era Real World [tm] is that Governments took over the monetary system on top of removing the material backing of the currency. They at the same time took the restraints of the banks and let them run free.
A little history to make you groan - Income tax was temporary and was to repay the costs of the The Great War - money paid to the big industrial suppliers I might add - Property Tax was instituted in those countries that did not already have it to repay the costs of WWII - To again repay the industrial complex for the materials supplied.
If you ever get a chance I suggest looking into what a dollar could buy year by year ….. yeah, take your time ….. done yet? …… Yeah Governments love inflation since it devalues the money they borrowed from you in the way of Bonds and such and pay it back with the money they take from you tomorrow ….. better hope your pay goes up as fast as inflation.
For the empire!D:<