You know, I wonder what the statistic is on sick days called in due to video game releases… Something tells me it’s high based on some of the posts on the Diablo 3 forums.
So lets talk about that for a second… Anyone who bought or tried the Diablo 3 game for the week of May 15th can tell you that if you took the day off, you probably wasted your time. Seems like Blizzard had an unexpectedly bad launch for their much anticipated game. Twelve years in the making and that adds up to a lot of frothy mouthed consumers dieing to jump right in. Problem is, Blizz decided to make this game online. Granted there’s quite a bit of multiplayer elements to it (though not an MMO), the game seems to be pretty solo focused. Well, to me anyways. I think the issue was with security, especially with drops and the real money auction house aspect. I can understand that, but I’d rather it be run more like Steam, where there’s an offline mode for times of crisis… such as this. From day one it’s been massive lag, servers down, and Anu help you if you tried playing Hardcore mode (the one that if you die it deletes your character). While most of the kinks have been ironed out, except for, you know, lag issues, it seems to be one of the worst case scenarios for a launch. But I guess that’s to be expected with PC launches. They almost always have some sort of ridiculous game breaking problem. So even though it was pretty bad, I’d also argue that it’s not something new. Comes with the territory ya know. Still, it’s little consolation for anybody expecting to sit down and have a nice evening with something they just purchased. It’s kinda like buying a movie from the “on demand” service and your cable going out. Sure, not the end of the world and you’ll probably be able to pick it up and watch later, but it just puts a damper on your night. Ah well, better luck next time Blizz.
In anycase, I’d like to know the stats on this calling out thing!
ok this is a yes or no questions on your last comic………………..
is the “galatic epispse” real or bull?-Y/N
can i see this “venus aligment thinghy”-Y/N
can i see this galtctic aligment?-Y/N
if you have ansered yes to any of these things please tell me how and when
1 - Y! It’s real! But uh, don’t think of it as something you are going to be able to look up and see. Think of it this way… we’re all in a big spiral galaxy (the milky way) and at the center, in theory, is a big ol black hole. So that’s the center point. Now, the solar system both bobs up and down “vertically” and weeble wobbles kinda like a top. So… if you use the sun and earth as two points and draw a line, then extend that line when it points towards the center of the galaxy, sometimes, not often, it will point directly at the very center. More often than not, the line just gets close but misses the line of sight. Meaning, connecting all 3 points (galactic center, sun, and earth) happens VERY rarely and for a very short period of time. So yes, it will be within line of sight but you can’t just look at the sun and be like “oh hey, neat, galactic eclipse”. Think of “eclipse” as in something in front of another, like moon in front of sun or sun in front of galaxy.
2 - Y*… Yes… BUT you will need the proper gear!!! They make special solar sunglasses for this sort of thing. You MUST wear them or else you cant see it. I “think” you will be able to see it without a telescope, but again… special glasses. The glasses look like aluminum foil, but you can see the sun as a white orb. Regular sunglasses will still burn your retinas. Anyways, it’s probably not all that impressive… you’ll see a black spot on the sun. But the rarity that it happens makes it cool.
3 - Nope! You can barely see the milky way galaxy haze with your bare eyes in total darkness… on a clear night… in like some sort of desert. But yeah, you’ll not see it directly. Just know that it happened and that it’s rare, so uh… it makes us cool?
4 - the galactic alignment will be in “december”… kind of a slow event… you will also get the chance for the next few years, though you’ve already experienced the event without knowing about it for the last decade or so. >)
the venus thingy will happen June 5-6th (and if you’re in the US, it’ll be at sunset)
got it can’t see the “galatic eclipse” but it a real thing thanks!
eh, who knows though… maybe this time all those nutcases will be right and the combined gravity will suck the solar system into the center of the galaxy and destroy us all… not very likely, but meh, least it’d be exciting. >)
Even though there were some server hang ups. Its still been a fun few days. Mindless hack and slash fun with a good bit of story in between. Starcraft had server issues the first couple days it was out too i think. As you say CS it sort of comes with the territory!
Also the frost ray is the best power…… :P
No way… I find Disintegrate much more effective… Though I must admit I prefer the Archon version of it.
Whatever I saw on the characters… Wizzard is simply the awesome god-like Naphalem, though arguably a true glass cannon, others… not so much. Not that they are not powerfull, it isn´t just that spectacular reign of destruction.
and well error 37 evaded me well… I had preordered boxwith DVD but I only got it in the afternoon on 15th… (and my 3 years old laptop DVD reader is useless anyway so I had to redeem code and download it when issues were fixed.)
Alas, back to topic of “global pandemic”… as soon as anything actualy deadly spreads to level indicated in comics… well only way to stop it would be to start sterilizing cities with fusion level nukes…
how dare you evade error 37!!!! got mine while in a boss fight… good times…
I am a Naphalem :-D I evade what I choose :-D
but I have finaly fixed another issue with game… my computer was unable to match server gameplay speed on higher resolutions 800×600 and works just fine :D
Plus the graphics really puts up some nostalgia into older Diablos :D
I would if could. Usually use up all my sick days in the first couple months of the year
playing hookey… for shame! you should save them for when you need them… like for Elder Scrolls Online! >D