I’ve had plenty of computers over the years and they seem to have massively dramatic exits from life.  Usually taking with them all my files.  Bleh…

Anyways, I think I touched on this before, but I was wondering the other day… If computers were ever able to not only mimic life, but mimic conscious thought.  Like, on a higher level such as us humans.  If that were to happen, would we change our views and accept this new artificial life form or would we always look upon it/them as a very sophisticated mime?  I think we’d probably create every possible test to confirm intelligence an life, and probably most of those an average adult human would fail.  And even then, I’m sure most people would diverge into groups that believe and those that don’t.  All kinds of craziness.  Then I guess at some point, we’d have to take a darn good look at ourselves and question what it means to be alive.  Deep stuff I suppose, but the most likely outcome will result in some sort of violent feud between parties.  Ah… good to be human eh?