I always wondered this about Spiderman… what happens to all those webs he leaves around? Either they have to decay over time or someone has to clean them up. Seems pretty environmentally unfriendly to me! I guess this goes along with all that collateral damage that comes with being a super hero. Which begs to question, is the super hero ideal even ethically possible? What I mean to say is whether the ends justify the means, specifically do super heroes have the rights to cause unlimited collateral damage in the pursuit of justice? It seems like every super hero has some sort of “footprint” if you will, that they leave behind while fighting crime. Granted, they are going up against “super foes” usually, but just look at how our police force deals with criminals… They have multiple levels of tactics when dealing with situations, like SWAT, negotiators, etc, and even have stopped doing the high speed chases because too many civilians get hurt.
When fighting a major villian (eg Venom, Joker, Clayface, Hulk going beserk) then yes but minor villians (Shocker, Rhino, Twoface, Deadpool) damage should be minium. And as for spideys webs, as explained in the 90s dark Spiderman cartoon, the webs turn into a liquad after 1 hour. Spidey can be smart if they would let him finish collage
bah! all you guys are way too observant! truth be told, spidey was never my thing so I wasn’t overly sure how long they lasted… still, there has to be some residue and even can be obnoxious or even dangerous for an hour.
I was going to say, I could have sworn that they dissolved after a short period of time, but I wasn’t sure… :)
that’s what he wants you to think! I know better… >)
DC and Justice League touched this subject fairly as ”There is damage ? Send Bruce Wayne the bill ” …it is canonical.
As for Spiderman, he use special ingridiences to help the webs decay over time as it has been mentioned couple of time. Otherwise the ”Web-bondage” games he play with Mary Jane would be awkward .
As for Colletral damage….well all I can say … it is better to damage some buildings instead of letting the guy destroy the whole city ( sometimes the planet )
lol! how nice it must be to be so rich that you can blow up your city and foot the bill every day.
yes, but are the webs environmentally friendly? the compression canisters could contain CFCs which are bad for the ozone and I have a hard time imagining a chemical compound that becomes super strong, sticky, and elastic when exposed to air that also decays in a few hours as being something “green”. man, they can’t even make silly string that passes Al Gore’s seal of approval. so how can spidey? >D
Well, it differs from cartoon to cartoon, some making them stay forever and using it as a joke, others following canon more, which i believe was originally 3 days till they dissapear
I swear your name gets longer every time! XD
I wonder if there’s some sort of chart somewhere with all the web durations and sources.
In one episode of “The Amazing Spiderman,” Parker explains to a kid that his webs dissolve in a few hours
heh, kids will believe anything ya tell em! XD
I demand a full investigation by the EPA!! though I guess that would make a pretty dull story arc “spidey v. the environmental protection agency”.
I’d much rather Superman bring down a few buildings than let the evil _____ conquer the world.
I for one welcome our new ____ overlords!
You need to watch the movie The Incredibles. It touches just a tad bit on the subject.
hmm, seen it! can’t really remember any specifics though so I might have to dust off my dvd for another go.
depends on the amount of damage and who the hero is fighting.
true, can’t take down king kong without breaking a few windows…
a heroes job is protect and to do so without destroying the city
a few windows or park benches okay
whole buildings no they should try to avoid that
the solid “webs” dissolve after a 1-2 hours into powder
very nice! but… is it environmentally friendly?
As for damage in the Marvel Universe. There is a company (Last owned by Tony Stark I believe) called Damage Control. The use machinery and technology from heroes and villains both to repair building and roads damaged from super battles. New York also offers Hero Insurance to business and property owners.
that’s very interesting! and probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard! XD it does seem like they would need something like this cause those guys with capes and spandex tend to make quite a mess of things! I wonder what super villain insurance goes for these days…
I am not sure about the ‘shooting’ aspect of Spidy’s webs. But they are based off of actual spider webs and thus a protein structure. So not only are they save for the environment, but they are also digestible and provide a nutrient source (many spiders eat their webs before remaking them). In the first thee movies he used an organic muscle action like the salivary gland to fire them, but with the newer 2012 movie it is mechanical like the original comics. SO for that one I don’t know, but the web themselves are organic. Pound for pound spider silk is stronger than steel.
eh, organic doesn’t necessarily mean environmentally friendly. sure, the webs could decompose, but what in to? and what’s the propellent? regular compressed air wouldn’t do it. just sayin… he’s gotta be leaving some sort of environmental footprint behind.
but all that said… it’s a heck of a lot less than ol Batman! that guy uses explosives, various grapple guns, and lots of gas guzzling vehicles. I mean, his freakin batmobile has a flame coming out of the back of it! I doubt captain planet would approve….