Cause, you know, you just can’t keep giving the same excuse every time you have to go change into uniform.
So let’s hear it! What’s your best “exit excuse” to get suited up?
Cause, you know, you just can’t keep giving the same excuse every time you have to go change into uniform.
So let’s hear it! What’s your best “exit excuse” to get suited up?
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THATS why the teen titans are always in costume one less thing to worry about!
Don’t forget that only one of them is Human. The rest are stuck like that. I feel so bad for Cyborg *Wipes away tear* and Raven most of all.
Err right…………. I guess that robins problem only then………
lol Druds, how true that is! though I’d hope they’d have some extra costumes between washings or at least fabreeze a lot…
raven was awesome… though oddly enough every character Tara Strong voices tends to be my favorite… >)
I almost forgot. You took my best exit line. It’s either “I gotta take a wicked dump” or “I’ll be back in 5 man. I gotta get something to eat”. Superman really needs to take an example from Spidey. Just disappear when all hell breaks loose. It may feck up his relationships but it’s effective.
psh, super heroes have more dysfunction relationships than hollywood actors! >D
yeah I guess in his “human disguise”, superman could really just blend into a crowd and slip away.
Oh look, a distraction.
spoken like a true rogue! XD
just tell her you’re on your period. Just to see her response as you run away to change
lol, that might end up getting more attention! XD
You can never go wrong with Good Ol’ Marty McFly….” Whoa, Lois…what’s that ?! ” *pointing behind her*
heh, and oldy but goody! hmm, I wonder how effective that would be with real people! we should do a test! go out into the streets or in a shopping place or restaurant and try doing the point “what is that” thing and see how many people look away. XD
report back with full statistical data sets!
I have to go and help a friend move a couch.
haha, nice! though I wonder how many times you can use that before people start to question how many friends you have and why they’re all moving around so much. XD
So, Lois has to blink at some point, he’s the man of steel, faster than a speeding bullet. How many women do you know that will make up all sorts of excuses to themselves for why they can’t find their car keys they just set down…
dont blink! blink and you’re dead! >)
man, how freaked out would you be if you were talking to your friend, you blink, and he’s gone!
well, obviously superman came in and stole them. just cause he’s a super hero, it doesn’t mean he cant be a jerk. >D
After reading “RandompersonforIdontknowhowmanycomments”, all i can think of is this response from this comic:
For me, I would just say, “Man, my glasses are dirty and smudged! I’m going to go wash them off real quickly”, and then “run off to find a bathroom w/ sink”.
Also, works for those who don’t wear glasses too:
Superdude: “Aw man, one of my contacts dried up and is blurring my vision. I gotta go re-apply contact solution”
Witness: But you don’t have contact solution.
Superdude: I’ll use water.
Witness: That doesn’t work. it’s too rough.
Superdude: Aw man! my contact fell out. Gotta go put in a new one.
Witness: I don’t see it.
Superdude: It’s really small.
Witness: actually, now that i think of it, you don’t even wear contacts!
Superdude:…..REALLY small. (Can’t think of a good comeback after this one. Maybe you have one?)
man I love bitter sweet candy bowl!
“Be right back, gotta go color my webcomic.”
my secret is out!!!!
Your secret is safe with me. Promise!
I actually don’t wear glasses!
great scott! how did they get on my head?! I’ll uh… brb…