This one goes out to 4-chan!
Based on a CERTAIN MEME with a less than p.c. name, that pokes fun at new folks to the 4-chan forums who are unable to “triforce”. The trick is, you have to use alt-command characters to manually input characters, because if you try to copy/paste the triforce from another post, you get, well…
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It also has come to my attention that I haven’t drawn Link yet, so… there ya go!
If it involves politics or overly stupid people that I cannot resist the urge to correct, I do chat on forums.
so basically all the time then? lol!!! XD
More true than I wish lol.
I hardly ever spend any time on forums unless it’s to a game I follow. And just want to say, that Link here, looks a lot better then most Link’s people draw nowadays. Well done Sir.
lol, ty very much sir! did sort of my take on the old 90s cartoon.
There are some forums I visit but mostly on a casual level.
I was much more of a troll couple years back but after I see how sad it become…I decided to exclude myself from such stressful and downright annoying places.
Now I prefer places where you can actually comment and have valuable conversation and debates rather than wasting 100 pages with both sides hitting their head against their walls.
Respecting opinions or hell even others as a person in the internet…quite rare because of the anonimity and these certain places tend to abuse this fact to no end. I can see the appeal of it for a short amount of time ..but after that, some take it to extreme and make Trolling their profession.
There are many topics I tend to avoid because I know someone who is either ignorant or just plain trolling will infruate me by being as senseless and inconsiderate as a mule.
All I can say, there is time and place for everything and if you cannot sense the tone or the atmosphere , don’t say anything. I can go on and rant all day about it but I did most of those things soo I can’t really be a judge of that. I learned much from my mistake and childish attitude …now I am on the other side of the ”sane fance” and I can see how frustrating many topics can be…and I do my best to avoid it… although I sometimes give in to temptation to correct those obvious ignorant and trolling remarks but ….you know you can’t really help it as you probably done it also :D
yeah, written stuff really loses a lot of meaning and intent. that’s why you need to end everything with a smiley face to make sure people know you’re not being a jerk… >D
▲ ▲ triforce not that hard put 2 space before the top triangle
▲ ▲ nope, gotta alt-255