Lot of randomness as of late huh? Anyways, this is based on the Slender Man modern urban legend. Which in and of itself is a pretty amazing story! I recommend checking out that link to read up on the history. But the cliff notes version is that Slender was really formed from the online consensus which congealed into what we have now. Slender Man is sort of a creepy dude in a suit, sometimes with tentacles, that has no face, very elongated extremities, and can mess you up by looking at him! “Don’t blink, blink and you’re dead!” (sorry, had a Dr.Who moment) But yeah, “legend” has it, if you look at Slender Man, you can have memory loss, pass out, or even die! This is one of those ‘wins’ for the internet culture.
Um…… If doctor who has taough ne anything one thing is possibly
bah, still struggling to make it through my commitment to watch every episode since 1962ish… up to season 2 now >D
That’s impossible, a lot of the old copies of the Dr. Who episodes were reused by the BBC. A lot. In fact, a lot of the episodes probably look like they have older or different actors because they do, because they were reruns. Back when TV was more like theater.
yeah, a LOT of the earlier episodes were lost or destroyed, but they somehow still had the audio reels and some stage photos (like, snapshots) so the majority of episodes are just the audio tracks with pictures of the person talking. not overly exciting, but it’s the best I can find. >\
Cthulhu did it first…and better. :-)
why not try zoidberg?
I would take any legend like this instead of having ”Justin Bieber Legacy” or something in the future…. I would hate to be recognized ”From that Age” in the future really…
ha! I think we’ll be known as the “digital age”, though who knows, maybe it’ll be something dumb like you said. though according to Futurama, the whole of the 21st century will be known as the “stupid ages”. >)