Yup… so the duo movie series is getting a little addition! From the reports I’ve been seeing, they kind of padded the series with some extra footage to extend it into 3 movies. Now, while this is the director’s call, I wonder how effective and maybe how ethical it is to sacrifice creative control for monetary gain. I mean, obviously if you can water down your drinks to edge out a few more sales, that’s great for your income! Especially if your customers don’t know any the wiser. But is that what we really want to do? Sure, maybe they don’t know it’s watered down, but you’d know; and doesn’t that just chip away a little of the soul each time? We could argue one way or another that it’s really up to the director’s discretion on how it should be done, and maybe it works better this way artistically or for audiences that don’t want to sit through 10hr long movies… But if it’s really to pull off a triple boxset to get that last extra ticket sale, then I’m sorry but that’s the last straw from Hollywood! We’ve seen movie after movie the last few years that were just phoned in so studios could keep licenses or make a “safe” production, and I’m getting tired of it. I’m tired of the padding. I’m tired of the remakes. I’m tired of the whole thing. Take some risks, people! And know where the line is between making money and making art. You can always sell a cheap painting for a quick buck, but only those labored on for love of the art will really endure time and become masterpieces. Maybe I’m a little cynical with the whole thing, but just hate to see it when the painter gets kicked out of the chair and the investors pick up the brush.
Anyways, we’ll see how this all turns out. Who knows, my old jaded bones might be in for a shocker and it’s really well put together. I know movies are made with a LOT of extra content that gets edited out. I mean, there wouldn’t be a market for “director’s cuts” that are like 30min to an hour longer… well, except for those ones that add like 5 extra minutes and paid an additional $10 bucks for the dvd… So maybe some of those extra little bits might make it whole… Or at least keep us all entertained by keeping in the bloopers. >)
Ever since wendsday im thinking about how vanpires get laid alot……….. Not helping since im doing the 7 day no-porn challege
They can control minds. No, seriously. If they took a liking in you, they’d look at you in the eye, do some weird magic stuff and if you can’t resist them you’d spread your legs and ensues the nonochacha.
lol! XD good luck with that!
heh, zaton, you watch way too much trublood porn. D>
It truly is sad really. The only really movies that have been what some would consider “Art” and not a crappy remake all comes from Australian writers and directors (Only Saw and Wolfcreek come to mind right now). There have been a few good remakes but not many (Piranha, the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween part 1, The Thing and to a lesser degree, Rambo). Some filmmakers need to leave some gems alone (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Bettlejuice) but Hollywood has run there well dry. There has not been a truly fresh idea since maybe 2003. They need to start to actually going to the fans of things to see what we really want instead of the old “Wheres Vin? We need another Spy/Car/Future Bounty Hunter movie”. My what a rant today. Anyway to sum it up, The Hobbit was compared against the LOTR trilogy, I don’t see how they can even scrape together 2 movies. Unless they are finally going to put EVERYTHING from the book into them. Then they might make it.
there’ve been a few good gems here and there, and even some reimaginings can (but rarely) make it big, but for the most part the last few years have been pretty lackluster in the bigscreen department. >\
also, double thumbs up for bettlejuice!
Milk them for all their worth. Art is only good if it makes money and the more money the better.
lol, true, but then all you get is a subpar movie with more nudity and explosions- oh, I see your point!
Well I was going to wait for Extended DVD cuts anyways…I guess I will be watching it on release in theatres now.
I can’t really comment on how long was the original 2 movie script so I won’t be saying much about that.
LOTR skipped a lot of stuff from the books ( as it was 3 books and couldn’t fit all of it even in 3 movies but they managed to create a great trilogy anyways )
I can understand the skeptism for The Hobbit though as it is only 1 book..but from what I remember from reading…there are MANY timeskips and fast-forwarding. I am guessing the movie will fit those moments with more character developement I think ? Or the time that Bilbo missed …we get to see those action and battles ?
I am on the fence as I love that here is going to be a Hobbit movie and the more the merrier for me… I also understand that people think the 3rd movie tactic was to get extended cuy features..pile them up and make a makeshift movie but I have faith that none of those scenes will be out-of-quality. LOTR had it’s great scenes that was cut and I was glad to see them on DVD..adding more to the movie. LOTR had a bigger material than Hobbit , true but Hobbit also had MANY fast-forwarding.
As long as they stay true to the material and give the quality all across the boards , I have no problem with it. It is not like they will give Bilbo the One Ring and then let him use his IPad to update his status on Facebook ! Right ? Right ? O.o
man, talk about really really long extended dvd cuts!
I suppose there’s a problem with translating books to movies here, since the books have so much detail without worry for budgets, while movie versions have to make it cost effective and fit within a 2-3hr window. so some stuff’s gotta go! but then I guess it keeps it open to more interpretations! like with the Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass books… together, they are ridiculously long! you couldn’t make a movie that hit’s every event! but then again, we get a LOT of versions of them, which is good for fans of the series like me! >D
so maybe leaving a few things out isn’t such a bad thing. >)