This is one of the things that bugs me with modern MMOFPS games. You know, the “you start off at lvl 1 with a BB gun and have to work up to the mobile suit with laser shark launchers” thing. My thoughts would be, if you are going to invade some sort of area or take a checkpoint, you’d want to gear out all of your soldiers. But then again, I’m guessing that would make for a boring progression. As with MMORPGs, you’d want to work hard to unlock or find certain abilities or equipment to make you even more uber. This is a tried and true system that has carried all modern mmorpgs through the last decade. And I can understand that in terms of the FPS world, but you don’t really see the rpg element of progression in the fps realm. It’s actually more akin to the pvp systems, like you put your time in and you get to unlock weapons/equipment, rather than something like WoW arenas where you need to have won a certain number of things to improve your rating. But there’s the other end of that I suppose, where better gear gives you an edge… which by very definition, removes any kind of competitiveness from the system. Games that do this force an imbalance towards veteran gamers; which goes back to my original point…
Well…… Have only played 1 MMOFPS and that one kinda sucked….. So just do what borderlands does (also it makes more sence since your a merc)
a borderlands mmo would be amazing! a shame the development leaders are kind of @#$#s about it.
Leveling, challenges, and crafting. That will draw out the process as long as possible so it keeps me interested.
yeah, a variety of activities and progression paths are a good idea to keep a captive audience.
This reminds me of the Mass Effect multiplayer. For so long I wondered why their super secret forces start off dirt poor.
Then I learned that they are mercenaries which cleared everything up.
ah, see that would make sense! just a couple of businessmen trying to break into the market! gotta start small! >D
High rankers tend to get better stuff at some places than the rookies; it’s not an etirely illogical concept.
no, not illogical, but for say gaming it tends to separate players out not by skill, but by gear. which makes a barrier to entry.
as for reals life, I suppose it makes a bit of sense that you wouldn’t give ol Cleatus who joined up a few days ago the keys to a battleship…
Disclaimer: I dont play FPSs on principle because I don’t like their play style.
That being said, it makes since that you would have to work your way up to high lvl gear. You aren’t going to send a new recruit out onto the field with your best equipment just so he can die and the enemy steal his stuff and learn its weaknesses, are you? Ofc you aren’t.
The newbies have gotta prove themselves first. Learn the ropes, show that they can handle the big guns, THEN get the epic gear and go mass murder the enemy.
ah, true true… I can kind of see this working in mmofps games with stuff like “spend x time or do x kills with a certain weapon/class to unlock better equipment for them” kind of thing. so more like, more training and experience grants better gear of that kind? I could see that as a better alternative to the current “grind kills” sort of setup.
I would say because the life of a soldier isn’t worth 300 grand, or what ever the price of a mobile suit with lasers, and shark launchers. The average soldier wouldn’t even be trusted with that suit, without the proper education on its use. Though I think Lucius Fox said it best.
Bruce Wayne: [about the prototype Batsuit] Tear resistant?
Lucius Fox: This sucker will stop a knife.
Bruce Wayne: Bulletproof?
Lucius Fox: Anything but a straight shot.
Bruce Wayne: Why didn’t they put it into production?
Lucius Fox: Bean counters didn’t think a soldier’s life was worth 300 grand. So what’s your interest in it, Mr. Wayne?
this is sad but true! I’m sure there is a lot of tech out there to keep our troops all nice and safe but they don’t implement it because of budgets and whatnot. seems kind of messed up…
I don’t think Unlocking by leveling up is a good thing for FPS. I mean it sounds logical that ” Well I am gonna play it anyways, might as well get rewarded for that ! ” …but as you said, this leads for those PRESTIGE LEVEL 199 having cool weapons and equipments ( even mortars or smokescreens on your vehicles ! )
I am more in favor of the new Blacklight Retribution or TF2 style. It looks like buying power but it is more of a preference than flatout buying a better weapon. In fact, the game will reward you items randomly or as you complete the achievements and you will get every basic weapon you need. The rest is about preference and whether you want to have it or not. And every item has their drawbacks or bonuses to fit your style.
Other modern shooters like COD …you have the linear progression of ” kill dudes with this weapon till you unlock this one ” It looks like a dungeon crawler with the awesome LOOT part…which means it sucks.
Playing the game itself should be the fun of it but the focus seems to be shifted on the progression. That is why I enjoy Planetside 2 as it is an MMO FPS which have all the classes and their default setup. All work great and balanced . As by game’s design , no One-man army can take on a squad without dying just because they have a certain weapon. You can unlock things you like with the points you earn but there is no linearity as you can spend your ‘certifications’ on anything you want. And playing the game is the actual Reward rather than getting an unlock.
back in the day I played a lot of Delta Force and that had NO gear upgrades at all! that was unheard of back in that time. instead, you’d get trophies and cool vanity stuff like that! and let me tell ya, it was just as fierce and competitive as any modern warfare game they have now!
I guess it’s all a balance of mechanics, gear, and progression. while it still can be fun if one of those fails, it can get either costly or raise the barrier to entry too high for newer players to keep their interests.
Well, this somehow reminds me of conversation within Fate of the Jedi Apocalypse:
(Admiral Nek Bwatu (commander of GA navy) and Luke´s Jedi are preparing to storm Coruscant Jedi temple against entrenched Sith…
As Nek was speaking to his elite forces Luke and Nek´s uncle had this conversation:
Luke: “It surprises me, you have waited so long before action.”
E. Bwatu: “We needed cannonfodder, master Skywalker.”
Luke: “You could have gotten Mandalorians.”
E. Bwatu: “We could have, but contrary to your Jedi, they do not work for free.”
Hardware and skilled people are simply expensive.
bah, just send in wave after wave of gungans until they run out of ammo!
About Gungans…
lol sindy… you know too many things! >D
I didn’t even know there WERE MMOFPS games! Sounds interesting, but since I’m a total Halo girl I doubt there’d be any that would really interest me…
To be honest though, it sounds like WoW or GW2 military style… I dunno.
yup! you can find a few on steam as free to play. (like apb reloaded) and a whole host of them are popping up soon! (such as firefall is a really cool MMOFPSRPG) hmm, I think that needs more letters…