Pickup line super effective! Aggro has increased! XD
Say what you will about the pandaland expansion, but one class feature I’m a real fan of is the “brewmaster” or drunk master class. This, of course, will be the tanking spec for the Monk class. Not sure how it will all come together, but it seems interesting enough.
So what kind of classes do you all like? There are no shortage of games with the main Tolkienesque party (warrior, thief, ranger, mage), but what of the off beat classes? Bards are one that tend to get overlooked a lot of times but are one of the most fun to play. Another are the summoners, no not the warlocks that summon pets, but full fledged demon/monster/elemental summoners. Vampires, despite having a weakness to teen drama, are pretty interesting as well. Elementalists are cool too, like using different elemental magic based on the environment. And dragon knights or lancers I don’t see much of for no real good reason!
Also, write in some more obscure classes you don’t see too often but also like!
You forgot to add Ninja, Samurai and flash tank Paladin from FFXI in your poll.
ah yes! I do kind of group ninjas in with the rogues, but samurais were a cool class. I think I remember them from FF Tactics and they were fun. seems like a good sub spec for the warriors.
My favorite wow characters are my frost mage (EEEEE to be frost again), my rogue (mainly combat and sub, but I like sin fine enough), and my holy priest. I have a bunch of other alts, but I can’t play them for nearly as long as I can those three.
psh, frost frost frost… fire’s where it’s at! >D think I played my hunter and ret pally the most though.
Frost mages have all the fun of stabbing and impaling, but without the messiness of doing so at close range! Plus there isn’t much chance if setting my pretty robes aflame.
Generally speaking, I love any type of support class. Mainly healers, but I also like bards.
If I can’t be a support class, then I will either be ranged (Archer, Mage. etc) or a rogue cause i dont like getting hit >.> <.<
In WoW however, I loved Death Knights cause they were super OP (before they got nerfed T-T) and nobody could really do damage to me (cause I was blood spec before it was for tanks).
BTW- cant stand tanking. Worst thing in history of gaming x_x.
So either support or super dps. d(^_^)
bards are wicked fun!
DKs were kind of the closest you can get to a battlemage (well, ret pally too), though they don’t have a proper one there for some reason.
Mage, mostly fire.
good answer! >)
I don’t think sniper fits into the combo class category, and playing a sniper is very very different than playing either a thief or a ranger/hunter. A long-range well-timed sneak-attack is a thing of beauty.
Why hello there sleeping dragon… I think I’ll stand in the general vicinity of this bandit camp and put an arrow into your eye. Hmm, not quite enough to kill you? Then into hiding I go. You’ll exterminate the bandits, think you’ve gotten the archer, and go back to sleep.
One more shot and… Sorry about that other eye, now to make armor of your skin, and more arrows from your bones…
Sleeping dragon has closed eyes… scaly eyes… that is not very prudent target unless you are packing seriously enchanted ranged weapon… it would probably be easier to use some hellish poison and try to shoot into nose holes…
(though generaly if I remeber warcraft poisons Krasus/Korialstrazs was in possesion of a vial of something that three ordinary drops managed to kill a manta… some monstrosity that was supposedly 10 times as large as average wyrm… One smallest drop he managed to measure made him reach the deapest of sleeps where he confronted Ysera herself and managed to compel her to go to his aid… though she and Nozdormu mostly joined because they recognized Rhonin, and that time to act is now… they knew him from war of the Ancients, Malygos just hoped for revenge against Deathwing)
I’ve seen snipers as a class somewhere in a fantasy rpg… hmm… where was it? uhg! can’t remember!
ya know, thing about dragons is that their mouths look very gatorish, so I think you’d be able to toss a rope around them and keep it shut without a whole heck of a lot of force. same with wings. in theory it seems that subduing one would be relatively easy if it was sleeping… but idk… I’ll try it out this weekend and let you know. >)
While for WoW and 4e D&D I played a Paladin (Ret/Damage spec) and for the Pathfinder game I’m about to start I’ll be playing a Samurai, I find myself drawn more to the Thief/Archer/Ninja type classes in other games (notably the Elder Scrolls series)
ha, yeah, I have a hard time getting into the magic classes in the elder scroll series. I like how you can get the fun gears to upgrade with the warrior/archers. the mages seem like you only need the robe from the beginning and can finish the game without much effort.
Coffin that is the point… why bother with gear and muscles when everything is only the question of state of mind.
Universe must be bent to ones will.
Dragon knight? What would be the point? They are more deadly with their claws, teeth, tails and breath.
In warcraft there is sole substance that is tougher than dragon scales- adamantium… some substances like elementium can however take more enchantment than adamantite.
(and nothing of that is indestructible… Malygos, Nozdormu, Alexstrazsa and Ysera had no particular difficulty damaging original adamantite armor of deathwing when Rhonin destroyed Demon soul at Grim Batol (using Deathwings scale), Kirin Tor managed to hurt him a bit too, though mostly because Deathwing underestimated them in that instance a bit.
Drakonids, significantly weaker spawn of dragons are bit different story though. But well they are lower caste. (innately by their birth dispossitions)
Plus all fully fledged dragons have innate magic in them, so very few times they actualy have to engage in meele combat in their other forms… Kalecgos was particulary good with his conjured sword… thought it seemed to me that he always prefered his dragon form if he had to fight and had enough space.
As for Whitemane… I do not know… I always favoured Argent confessor Paletress… pity one of her memories isn´t whitemane…
err, well the dragon knight class isn’t exactly a “dragon in human form” sort of deal. rather, a regular knight with some powers of a dragon. kind of like skyrim! so stuff like breaths (fire, ice, etc), special armors, and typically lances. though playing as a dragon could be fun! think you can in Divinity2 and you could have dragons on your team in FF Tactics which was a blast.
but but… whitemane! she’s a hottie!
Confessor would be better if she could summon her :D
I feel like I am ”All things melee ! ” as I have at least one Warrior type character in Every RPG or MMO I have. Even in FPS games I tend to have melee and tough characters.
Probably it is because they have the basic mentality of ”Be strong and wail on the enemy” and I seem to enjoy that more.
But as my ALTs I always go with the ”find ALL secrets ! ” type Mage or Rogues , though they might not be my favorites since they tend to be ‘squishy’. I need characters who can take damage and say ” HAH ! better luck next time ! ”
I always try to start off ranged… usually a mage, though that tends to degrade into some sort of hunter class… and finally settling down in anything close to a melee paladin. you’d think I’d just find the ret pally class first, but meh… I’m special like that…