Hmm, hope this comes across correctly… Anyways, this is about me and accents. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but something about an accent seems to really drive a lot of presumptions about that person. I mean, for me anyways, when I hear a British accent, it just sounds so authoritative that they could be talking complete nonsense and I’d take every word as complete truth. Probably because every documentary seems to use people with those accents, so it makes sense for the association. >)
Also, maybe it’s because I can’t hear my own accent, but I just find them enthralling. I’ve been in class or on the phone before and just been mesmerized by the speaker. Heck, they could’ve been spouting off something akin to Eliza Doolittle and I’d still be totally sucked in. XD
Or maybe it’s just me.
Yay! First once more :P
do I get the “technical” first?
I ‘unno. Hungarian accents sure don’t impress me.(Might so because I speak one.) And I can’t really tell the difference between English and English, most of the time.
Pardon. Speak ‘with one’. Damn you, English grammar.
really? I’ve come across some and they sounded lovely. I wonder if it also depends on what language they are speaking… meaning, does a british person have a british accent when speaking french? like, I suppose if I tried speaking french, I’d have an american accent right? there should be a poll for every language! like “what accent when spoken in your own language, do you find the best/most interesting?”
Well I have a certain facination with Scottish accent…. Thats why I play TF2′s demoman often !
But I have to say British accent is certain something to behold. As you said the way to deliver the words can make them powerful. It is a technique of speech really and it work wonders for those great speakers.
Even in a country you have at least 2-3 different accents for the same language and they all sound quite mesmerizing in their own way.
ah yes, them scotts can really entrance you huh?
it’s pretty interesting though… and I wonder if it’s the same across the board; but I notice (like the dr who quote) every planet… err, country, has a north. meaning there’s a northern and southern accent. and I wonder if the countries are the same way. like, I think I remember england has a northern/southern accent and i know japan has one.
im British :D lived in wales for a while welsh accent on girls is dam sexy if you ever need to break a love of English accents then just try listening to a brummie speak for more than 30 seconds
oh my, I must agree with you sir! the welsh girl on Torchwood, Eve Myles is quite the lovely lady. she definitely makes up for some of the lackluster acting and cinematography seen in the first season. sigh, that series grew on me… quite a shame it took a hiatus. >(
Accents get extremely weird at times because you think other accents are strange and yet yours is too!
Which reminds me… I once saw an American person and a British person who both had habits of mimicking each other’s accents. The British guy was putting a bit more into the pronounciation of the letters. The American guy…
“Hello, govna’!”
Crazy people. xD