I guess this is one of those things that’s always bugged me about the Mario series… ya know, running along a brick wall… Just seems easier to go around and avoid swimming through the sewers. >)
True, it was more of a limitation of the technology of the time, but some games just feel better as a side scroller (as opposed to their 3D counterparts). While not many have stuck around long enough to see the transformation, I can 100% say that I loved Sonic and Mario much more in just 2 dimensions. Though Zelda as a side scroller was… um… is there a phrase worse than “pure putrid poppycock”?
Think I already did a “which gaming style (3d, side, iso) poll before, so let’s talk about our favorite side scrollers of all time! AND, what modern game(s) do you wish they would demake into a side scroller? (Mine are Sonic 2… best game ever! And I’d love to see a side scrolling version of Skyrim or Saints Row 3! Ooo! No wait! Side Scroller Harvest Moon! Though that’d probably be real similar to Mario 2, ya know, cause of all the veggies he steals… for anyone that never played it; very strange game, though technically the first to feature a transgendered character in a video game.)
ps!! For some fun free modern side scroller demakes, check out:
Halo Zero
Codename Gordon (requires Steam)
Well CLEARLY Mario also has to take care of his job as a plumber/botanist? druid?/militia and does what he can along the way to the castle. He is, after all, a man of duty!
mario’s totally a man of action! a shame about all those poor turtles along the way…
My favorite sidescroller is actually Trine and its sequel. Those games are just so beautiful.
bah, I have Trine 2 but I haven’t had time to play it yet. >(
I would say the best sidescroller would be the first one I ever played and beat for that matter at 5 years old. Sonic 2. It was just so simple and that spindash. How does Sonic go that fast without vomiting?
sonic 2 was just amazing! my first genesis game too!
I think my personal favourite sidescroller has to be Terraria because of its RPG elements.
ah yes, terraria was pretty fun. a shame they stopped development for it though. >\
“Do you ALWAYS have to complain, Luigi? Just shut up and follow me!”