Have you ever had this happen? (Probably more relatable for the guys, but I guess the ladies might run into the same issue too.) You walk into a bathroom, not really thinking about it, and all of a sudden you realize there’s no urinals! This happens to me on occasion and let’s just say I get a brief instance of panic as I try to remember what was on the door. I think once I even went out to check the door too. Of course, if you see other dudes walking around then you know you’re in the clear, but if nobody’s out of the stalls, then who knows! Girls room? Boy’s room? Maybe it’s a Schrodinger thing and you’re superimposed in both states simultaneously!!!
Anyways… just thought I’d share… and hopefully I’m not the only one. XD
Not a poll, but has this every happened to you? Thought you walked into the opposite restroom or actually did?
Epic Page is Epic
Also, that’s a weird door :P
hmm? don’t all bathroom doors look like that?
Well their hinges usually don’t switch sides at the next panel :3
oooh! lol! I was trying to make the 2 way doors, you know, the ones that swing in and out. I probably could have drawn that better though. >)
Well, atleast you tried :D
Not really. I walked in intentionally.
Cleaning bathrooms was a part of one of my summer jobs, both men and women’s sides, so I had to just walk in. I’ve never done so unintentionally though.
seems like an oversight they could have used in Porky’s Revenge… >)
Went to a Lillith Faire concert once and the chicks were all up in the men’s bathroom. They didn’t care at all about the men at the urinals, either. Bladder relief and cheap thrills, what a combo.
eh, I’m of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter. I’m all for coed bathrooms, even if they have urinals. I mean, it’s not like the ladies will be looking at our goods or anything, so what ‘s it matter? if ya gotta go, you gotta go! and I probably wouldn’t mind if a lady was in line for the men’s room cause usually there aren’t lines for us but for the ladies they tend to wrap around the building! any port in a storm I guess. >D
Happened to me just last week in Mexico, I was in the wrong bathroom.. Funny thing is that the men’s room the urinals were in stalls…
you know, that’s not a half bad idea! seems like some urinals here in the states are just free standing in the middle of the room…