Well, it’s that time once again where the most important election in the world takes place! Who will be the next Warchief of the Horde?
Many great choices here, even some oldies have come into the fray. So who knows? Maybe we’ll finally get someone a little less insane as our glorious leader. What says you, good peoples of Azeroth?
Decision 2012
Here are the Candidates:
Garrosh Hellscream – Definitely the conservative of the group. He pushes a “grass roots” movement of the Orcs’, well, at least when they were blood thirsty minions of the Burning legion. Garrosh is power hungry with bloodlust and promises to return the Orcs to glory through battle.
Varok Saurfang – Honored Veteran of the first, second, and third wars, as well as the conflict against the Lich King. Varok carries the banner of peace and strong relations between all nations. Critics claim his passive method of international politics would weaken the Horde’s position amongst the other nations.
Sylvanas Windrunner – Forsaken Leader and Miss Banshee Queen 1984, Sylvanas stands as one of the most powerful and sympathetic candidates. While she commands a legion of faithful and strong undead warriors, she has taken great strides as to not allow the other nations of the world to come to harm from the same curse. When one of her own rebelled and attempted to create a new Forsaken army, she and the leadership of the Horde worked together to bring justice to those who threaten the peace and stability of the Horde nation. Opponents say that while her intervention against the Forsaken mutiny was “admirable”, he loyalties come into question as she is technically a “dirty hipster Night Elf”.
Vol’jin – Leader of the Darkspear Tribe and architect of the now exiled people of the Darkspear Isle. After an encounter with Garrosh, he and his people have had to seek refuge outside of the Orgrimmar walls. Vol’jin, while not favored by the current administration, is a proponent of equal rights and representation of all nationalities of the Horde and its peoples. There are rumors of Vol’jin’s involvement with illicit incense use without proper medical papers.
Baine Bloodhoof – Son of Carnie, the former leader of the Tauren people. Like his father, he promotes wisdom, peace, patience, and honor. His platform includes strengthening the relations of the Horde nation while promoting respect for nature. Claims against his campaign say that his “go green” environmentalism is just an unobtainable idealist dream that would be overly expensive for the budget and destabilize the economy.
Lor’themar Theron – Reluctant leader of the shattered Blood Elf people, Lor’themar might not have asked to be the leader, but he does so with dignity and purpose. He joined alliances with Sylvanas to help his starving people after the fall of the Sun Well. Many question his allegiances as merely “just out of necessity, not loyalty”, and given the chance, he would seek alliances with anyone willing to provide a little magic juice.
Thrall – Few can argue that Thrall has been the greatest leader of the Horde to date. He has brought strength and solidarity to his people, no matter the race, and has taken great strides in the stabilization of international relations. However, due to the events of the Cataclysm, he left in order to help the world in other ways. This action has lead to criticism of his abandonment of his people during their most vulnerable time. There are also rumors that he stepped down after allegations of an affair with a certain blonde Human from Theramore Isle.
Richard M. Nixon’s Head – With the Headless Body of Agnu, Nixon vows to enslave all people of Azeroth and bring down upon them a tyrannical rule they have never known.
Cast your vote now! Polls end in 2 weeks (19th)!! At the end of November! Eh, if Florida can wait a week, we can extend this as well. >)
Tough decision… like which madman is going to be in charge of asylum…
And well the certain blonde from Theramore now has white hair, is in charge of Kirin Tor and her new boyfriend is former Aspect of Magic…
And she is not at all happy with Thrall letting horde in Garrosh´s hands…
sometimes fantasy emulates life, huh? XD
nope! don’t believe a word of it! *sticks fingers in ears* Thrall + Jaina 4evr!!!
Pitty it does not work other way around… I would much rather be on Nirn than Earth…
I will go with Varok Saurfang. He knows how to handle others but he also knows honor. My second pick would be Vol’jin.
Thrall would’ve been my first choice but he grew beyond the Horde now.
Yeah, he’s my first choice too. he seems to be the most level headed of all the choices. very well rounded. Vol’jin is also a solid choice.
dunno about Thrall just yet… he’s kinda gone a bit monkish now. was a bit more “ba” when he was tossing around lightning hammers…
My thoughts exactly
I choose the one that gets all the Horde whooped by the Alliance. Frequently. Is that an option?
So you’re voting for Vol’jin?
lol, bazzzzing!
Nixon’s back!!!!!
(shake head quickly while saying that for max effect)
I love how there isnt a single vote for garrosh.
awe, someone just tossed him a pitty vote. XD
Clearly it was Mr. T, because I can’t imagine anyone else who’d pity that fool.
Well, that’s an interesting way to find out a celebrity visits this website!
Who is the Orc talking in the comic? Is it suppose to be Garrosh?
I heard some pretty interesting propaganda that our beloved Sylvanas Windrunner has mysteriously changed after the Lich king died, going out of control, and may not even be the same Sylvanas as before (also, loved the “Dirty hipster Night Elf” comment).
Also, do you accept write-in Candidates?
that’s Garrosh. The other is Varok. I’ve pretty much just been using the same model of him since last election 2 years ago. >)
oh no! not my Sylvy!!! maybe she’s been hanging out with Lindsey Lohan too much…
sure do!!! just check the “other” option and write it in before you submit! >D
Um, guys… I belive we have yet another candidate back at GU comics:
I personally choosetsa Musolinni! He promeses lotsa fascism, italian customs and pasta, much like a Nixon, but he is gottsa full body instead of justa testa.
In the words of every italian citizen wortha it’s salt and peperonni: “Raviolli! Fettuccini! Cappeletti! Banana! Hee hee!”
like nixon, but with less tape recorders!
Here is your in depth coverage of the 2012 horde forces!
Though Thrall was always the best, he just doesn’t seem to be the same guy he used to be, so, I will try to limit myself as much as possible to the choices provided with a couple extras thrown in for fun.
Saurfang for Pres, Vol’jin as VP. That is a strong but fair combo. “They aren’t Garrosh” is enough of an arguement alone, not to mention that they are characters of merit and more even temper.
Now lets take a look at the cabinet, US government style.
Perhaps Thrall could still do his shaman thing and moonlight as Secretary of State. He is the poserboy of a goodwill ambassador and is often trying to smooth things over.
Trade Prince Gallywix seems like a shoe-in for Treasure, as long as they keep an eye on him and watch over the bank. Goblins in general would be good candidates for Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation too, they just need to get some more big names out there to fill those shoes. Auction houses and Zeplins for all!
Department of Health and Human Services would be Lady Sylvanas ahahah wait no lets give her Homeland Security. She could get things done there with style. Not so much in the previous department.
Hellscream as a Secretary of Defense that would need to be kept on a short leash, and his advice taken with a grain of salt.
Department of Energy is a no-brainer with the BLood Elf Lor’themar Theron. Put that sunwell and all that arcane power they are obsessed with to some good use! He could probably find a suitable Paladin candidite for the Department of Justice as well.
Baine Bloodhoof and his Tauren buddies could take care of the Departments of Interior and Education with their renowned patience and dedication to lore and knowledge.
There may be a few other seats to fill, but I want to wrap this up with putting in a good word for Farmer Yoon for the Department of Agriculture. He may be a new name but lets just say that I have helped him learn all there is to know about running a farm, and helped that guy make alot of friends which should come in handy.
The polls are in, and these folks win!
lol!!! excellent! just excellent!!!