If you haven’t heard it by now, Disney bought the rights to Lucas Films, meaning they now own the Star Wars series! Now, at first I was a bit freaked out by this. I mean, it’s Disney… The big bad evil. But after the initial shock wore off, I got to thinking; you know, they bought Pixar and let them do their own thing and they turned out pretty good. And probably their single biggest PR success with this was to announce a new film in the works for 2015. I’m sure any jaded fan was instantly converted or drowned in a sea of conflicting emotions. For me, that’s the big selling point. We’ve all been foaming at the mouth for years that Lucas was just sitting on the franchise, milking every last penny as it slowly dies out. But with a new owner, the franchise is seeing more money and more vitality, so for us viewers, that means more content! Win or lose, the fact that they’re even trying to release a new film and revive the series is a good sign.
The only question remains… Will Leia get to join the princesses club?
After The Avengers, I’m willing to give Disney the benefit of the doubt.
this is very true! maybe we’ll luck out this time >D
Well, this made my day. :P
Man, Disney produces high quality stuff. And with Mr. Toy Story 3 in charge I have high hopes for the new Star Wars.
And while guns are cool, lightsabers from 2007 are too.
definitely a better wardrobe choice for Ariel in that picture
I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty stoked about this “merger” I mean, it’s not like Disney can screw it up worse than George has the past few years.
I mean honestly… Hayden Christianson should NOT have an appearance at the end of RotJ… If you haven’t seen it, DON’T!!! I almost threw the laptop I was watching it on across the room.
The couple of things I am curious about now though are, will we see SW in Kingdom Hearts? Which I am 100% for.
And does this mean that any Star Wars: The Clone Wars will get moved over to Disney Channel, or will Cartoon Network keep it? I do actually enjoy that show…
While I am not enraged at all by the adding of Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader’s ghost, I think it was kinda pointless: Tweaking the graphic quality and adapting the movie to high definition is fine, but the rest seems like a waste of money for Lucasfilms, I mean, it’s not like people really cares about those tiny details.
hopefully they restrict Lucas’s access to the editing room for this next movie.
I’m one of the ones who is on the fence about it really. While I am not a Star Wars fan, it is a Legacy which shouldn’t be touched (I do not own the remasters but the originals on VHS). But there is a silver lining to my hate and that is the form of Kingdom Hearts 3. The Lightsaber Keyblade.
As for Leia joining the Princess’, I think it should be No as she is not “Pure” as the other Princess’ are. But that is only a formality.
Whoa man! Careful now! If we start talking about who is more “Pure” than others, then that will lead towards a pretty dark road.
Besides, I think that Princess Leia has more of a claim to princessdom than other Disney “princesses” (such as Alice, Mulan, and Pocahontas, who are not even princesses)
that’s kind of why I’d rather they have done something totally new with it like any of the thousands of years of history and lore surrounding the vader era. ah well, till too early to tell, but I’m hoping for the best.
psh, you can’t tell me hipster Ariel is all that pure. also, I’d totally love Alice to join them, but alas, she’s not a princess. there is a duchess in the stories though… does that count?
also… Mudgub Princess… just sayin….
It can only be better now that george lucas isn’t abusing the shit out of it
no lucas! what are you doing?! sthap!
I read too many memes…
I think the infusion of money and push for more content for the franchise is going to be good. Additionally, Lucas isn’t totally out of the picture, he’s going to be consulting on franchise and films for Disney. The real question is, Disney owns Marvel Comics, Star Wars comics are currently published by Dark Horse Comics and they’ve done a good job with keeping the title alive over the years, so it should be interesting to see if Disney moves the title over to Marvel or not.
It would be far more productive if they screwed Lucas and asked Tim Zahn, Leland Chee to consult… those guys actualy have some measure of what fans grew to expect in consistency for last 2 decades.
hmm… wonder what crossovers they might do… I mean, haven’t seen any wolverine mickeys yet, but who knows!
Jasmine looks great… others are severely overdressed… compared to Ayla Sakura for example…
lol! PK PK PK… what are we going to do with you… >)
http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/9/92/Secura_and_Sing.jpg well… :D beat it :D
Well after the Prequels…my expectations can only go high up !
maybe it was all part of the plan! give em something bad so when you sell off the company, they could make total junk and it would still be an improvement! XD
There’s so much art on Princess Leia as a disney princess my head is going to spin.
I reckon the Star Wars films will be good - I’m sure Disney won’t ruin them by making them animated or anything, but I will expect them to leave their mark in the films, somewhere not easily noticeable.
For example, I saw a death star with 3 tiny marks in the shape of Mickey Mouse. It looked nice, yet not easily noticeable.
Not that I’m all that bothered, I just don’t want any films in Disney style.
XD is that a bad thing? can’t have too much leia!
hmm… idk, maybe it’d be fun to have a “little mermaid” style clonewars. and maybe I should do a steamboat star wars in celebration! >)