Well, if we’re going to go down, at least we can take a few fat cats with us!
You might have heard from all the buzz lately about this whole Fiscal Cliff stuff. Basically, it means that the Bush era tax cuts come to an end soon and the President and Congress have to make a better plan to balance taxing with spending and both sides of this are pretty divided. What will happen is that the tax cuts we were getting will go up across the board and government spending will go down. With their powers together, economists say it’ll make us go back into a major recession (cause you know, we were so out of the last one…).
But never fear, all that needs to happen is for the Republicans and Democrats to work together in a short amount of time, to set their differences aside, and do what’s right for the greater good-
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! Oh man, I almost didn’t make it through that! So yeah, I’ll be amazed if we don’t go “over the cliff”. Too many things need to be in sync with people that don’t get along.
But if it’s any consolation, at least we’ll be forcing that nice wealthy class over the cliff with us! Though that probably won’t mean a hill of beans cause they’re rich for a reason and will probably squirrel it away anyways. We can dream though, right?
Well but contrary to you… they can afford a paraschute… (Though a parashute is just emergency tool to save one lifes if necessary… one should try to walk away from situations when it is necessary) And they do that.
sigh… if only I could afford a parachute… preferably made of solid gold.
Yeah… on sadder note- Enterprise is about to get a decomissioned from service soon… how about some comics about that?
There is a petition going around to name CVN-80 that way again.
In before on the day before everything falls apart, they just extend everything for one year.
lol, if I was a betting man, I’d go all in on that solution. heck, that’s what they did like 2 yrs ago, so why would this year be any different?
Because it simply can not work indefinitely…
In the end you will either ran out of people capable of lending you anything, or rest of the planet realizes that what you promise in return is absolutely worthless and there is no point of lending you anything.
This isn´t like battle of Borosk when Gilad Pelleaon made his smart retorts to Yuuzhan vong…
B´shith Vorik: “You have just delayed the inevitable.”
Gil Pelleaon: “Permanently I hope” (and after some trading of instults there was this gem:
“You may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, but the Empire will always strike back. That I promise you.” )
Hell how I hope Disney won´t screw everything up… appart from few inevitable failures in SW EU (given it´s scope understandable) these gems in book make me really love it.
I am baffled by the sheer greed people have…fighting over the money that Does Not exist. If everyone would collect their minds and realize that the more they fight over the non-existent money …the more they carry others to problems, maybe they would actually try to fix that by… I don’t know wasting more money ?! I think we have a certain term for those who deal with invisible objects….and that is ”crazy”.
They simply CAN´T stop fighting about those money… It is same as Greece and Germany(and Spain, Italy etc.) … If Germans dont bust what Greece owes now (they made lot of private debths void which certainly did not help general economy as it make lot of people loose resources they would have invested…) than most of elder people in germany simly does not get any pensions…
And since pensions are mostly state-organized only way how to get more money would be more taxes… for general populace… those few “rich” would not be enough… and general populace is seriously overtaxed… and “green” taxes to build “alternative power” infrastructure are not helping either….
baffled? it’s quite simple… they’re a bunch of selfish jerks that the only thing they have more than wealth is idiocy. but sadly you’re right, it’s all about stupid “virtual” cash that’s been overinflating the economy for years… eventually, something’s got to give.
yeah, I’m pretty worried for the greek peoples. hopefully they’ll pull through and all will be well, but realistically, we’ve all got a long way to go.