Eeyup! It’s finally here! The end! Tomorrow!
It was nice knowing everyone, but since the Mayans are the official authority on temporal continuity, we obviously are going to perish on the 21st. That or they just got lazy and didn’t get around to the next b’ak’tun. Or… they came up with the most epic troll of all time.
Seriously, look at the face in the center of the calendar. That’s Tonatiuh’s face, the sun god, sticking his tongue out at us. Problem?
(Small note, the calendar we usually say is the Mayan Doomsday one, above, is really the Aztec calendar. Pretty much the same though, but the Mayan was a bit more accurate… both end on the same day though… if I remembers correct.)
About the comment 2 comics ago…. you where…right…. I have been feeling dought in the Horde and my recently but I now know…. NO matter WHAT! My Heart will ALWAYS belong with the Horde LOK’TAR OGAR! STRENGHT AND HONROR!
We’re going to need a summary of what was going to happen in What’s Shakin’ since the world is going to end and all now. Nothing to lose right? If Coffin the character were to tell the story it would probably go something like “… *sigh* *shrug* *sheepish grin* … “
lol, or draw scribbles… he can do that too >D
Complete agreement!
very nice rendition of that!
You really made me laugh hard with this one, and your annotations were the cherry on the cake, as it were. I salute you.
Also, I’m still waiting for the world to be like in the Jetsons since january the 1st, 2000. They promised us a future filled with technology damn it!
2015 we get hoverboards… that’s what the movies promised us! science better hurry up!