So apparently it’s ok to bring your kids to a big ol scifi/comic convention with scantly clad women in cosplay but heaven forbid you have pinupy type posters for sale! Seriously folks, it seems like every time someone has to make a comment about this passing by my table. And in the grand scheme of things… my stuff is pretty darn tame. >)
Ah well, I had a great time anyways! Even did some commissions! My “hang in there boba” and steamboat posters were the best sellers this time around. Seems I’ve got some more to do for next time!
Anyways, thanks to everyone who came by to say howdy! <3
I hope you directed those people to the nearest cosplayer.
Better yet, direct the nearest cosplayers to them.
All the better if they carry really big / menacing props.
don’t all cosplayers carry big menacing props?
You can’t nerf stupid. Sorry , you just can’t.
The only thing left ? Let them live , on its own this is punishment cruel enough :)
No no no. if you let them live, they reproduce thus creating a neverending cycle of dealing with stupidity. I suggest “accidentally” bumping into them while they are near a flight of stairs. Always remember: stupidity can be fixed, the question becomes “how to do it legally?”
Choose them to participate in a play with Carnivorous Demon Space Squid-Riding Explosive Space Monkeys?
can’t nerf… maybe a hotfix or patch? >)
The analogy between fat and ugly applies just as well to ignorant and stupid.
Ignorance can be countered with information but stupid just is.
At times I really have to fight that urge to help someone get their Darwin Award all that much sooner.
Now, now, sometimes ugly can be fixed naturally with cleanliness and, I dunno make up? Likewise, some fat people are born that way, or have congenital problems that develop later on in their lives.
Stupidity can be cured by extensive re-education. Likewise, some ignorant people outright reject some things told to them as lies.
However, I think your eugenetic idea of killing all the stupids in the world really IS a good idea. You have green light, go ahead.
meh, I’d be ok with just having to take IQ tests before being allowed to have kids.
The politically correct response to this is, “And some day mam they’re going to grow up into that (point to nearest female cosplayer) or that (point to nearest male oglying female cosplayer), I’m just getting them started early, you should thank me.” Upon which saying should shut them up for about ten seconds, thus doing the entire world a favor.
I must ask, why does your Bobba Fett poster (awesome, by the way) has a four fingered Bobba? Is it a cartoon impostor? Did the Sarlaac eat the other two fingers? What happened?
Also, I wish to ask for a full narration of your adventures at the convention! All the adventures!!!!
I did it in my cartoony style… which of course, only have 4 fingers. I thought about redoing it with a comic style, but time was limited.
lol, I need to! much adventures to be had! maybe when I get some of the other commissions I did scanned I’ll post em all and make a writeup. >D