Well… Happy belated May the 4th!!!
Sorry I’ve been out for a while, folks. Got hit with a majorly bad sinus infection that took me out of the running for like 2 weeks. Uhg. Buuut they gave me happy pills and everything is fine now.
Anywho, this was what was going to run about 2 weeks ago. I did a post a while ago about Disney buying the Lucas Arts franchise, but now I’m starting to have worries. If the premature ending of one of the BEST animated series, the Clone Wars, wasn’t bad enough, the mouse has been tampering with all of the Lucas holdings. Namely the closing of all Lucas Arts games.
Don’t worry about your SWTORs just yet, they are still selling off the Intellectual Property licenses, but they just won’t be doing anything inhouse anymore. I understand the move; game development, especially AAA games, is very expensive for not a whole heck of a lot of return. Sure, it makes oodles of money, but from an investment standpoint, if it’s not making X% growth or Y% return, then no matter how much it made, it’s toast. Still, there were some games still in development and I suppose they will get shuffled off to other production facilities, but for the poor development staff left jobless, I hope they get picked up by someone good…
As for SW7… I just don’t know anymore. I’ve stopped looking for info because the more I hear the less I want to see it. >
What do you guys think about all this Disney business?
In case you missed it, I did a review of Diablo 3 a few weeks back! Guess I should probably do a Torchlight 2 one as well at some point, huh?
Hey folks, going to move Thursday’s comic to Monday, so you won’t be without a comic for a full week while I’m out of town this weekend. Monday’s will also come with a review! >D
The moment I saw J.J. Abrams was to have any involvement in Star Wars VII, I knew Star Wars was dead just like Star Trek. When they ruin Star Wars completely (which will occur barring direct divine intervention), I hope Disney will pleased with themselves for destroying the last pillar of Sci Fi left standing after the fall of Star Trek.
Totally ignore how this post is a complete reversal of what I previously stated earlier on how I was giving Disney the benefit of the doubt. I was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.
J.J Abrams will work on it? I don’t know, I did like Lost and several others amongst his directed series and such….
idk… I’m just going to wait it out… I just am not getting my hopes up too high.
I like the title on this strip, nice attention to detail, Shawn! XP
I read Disney chose, of all companies, Electronic Arts to make new Star Wars video games. To be fair, I like Electronic Arts games due to the quality in several of it’s aspects, but I get that most people doesn’t like it because it places profit first and making an appealing game second, but hey, all merchants do that: What matters is that it sells, not that people likes it!
Yeah, after I reached adolescense I started hating Disney for it being too childish, and now I hate it because it looks on Star Wars like China looks on the Tibet: Another conquered province for the mouse in overall’s empire. I really hope that something manages to set things right soon.
If not, then at least make the following movies somewhere along the lines of that extra galactic alien invasion bent on anihilating all life on the Star Wars galaxy that wookiepedia speaks about.
Also, remeber when I wrote I’d never play SWTOR? (I said it because, at the time, I couldn’t possibly find room for downloading a 26 GB game!) I was wrong. I downloaded it (yes, I’m a disgusting, freeloading free-to-play, so sue me!) and have been playing it for a while now.
It’s glorious! *Sheds tear*
lol, swtor is a great game! sadly I haven’t played in a while. >( maybe I’ll pick it up again.