And here I thought gnome tanks were hard to see! This occurred to me when tanking WC that my little goblin is as easy to spot as Liu Bolin. Yeah, he’s pretty awesome btw…
Posts Tagged ‘Ell’
You know, I totally thought this was the case when all the Cata beta info started coming in… But some places, even the ones you’d think would become lush gardens, just got blasted! Heh. Overall, I’m very impressed with what Blizzard was able to do. Going back and redoing the entire world is not an easy task, but I think they had great results. Sure, I’ll miss the old world a bit, but I think they did a marvelous job.
So gang, let me hear your thoughts! What’s your new favorite zone? Is everyone happy with the way the world looks now, sad, indifferent (///.O)?
For some reason, and feel free to call me crazy, but I get the strange feeling that the new priest ability Leap Of Faith (which will pull your friendly raid target to you) will be used for less than honorable activities… Namely, pulling your buddies off a ledge or tossing em into a lava pit or something. Hmm, maybe even in WSG to kinda slingshot people faster? The possibilities are endless!
Also! Check out this great fan art of Coffinshaker by the awesome LilyAngelPhoenix!
Transcript: English
This is something that always bugged me! In Tanaris, there are the Caverns Of Time, where you go back to the past to rescue Thrall escape, aide Arthas in Strat, etc… Yet, it either creates some kind of temporal loop or we just messed up all kinds of history! Going by the laws of physics (which we all know are documented in Back To The Future) if you step on even an insect, it could lead to a drastic chain of events that would alter the future forever!
So I can’t help but wonder… if we “accidentally”, I don’t know, nuke Southshore while we’re helping Thrall… What would happen? Does it tear apart the fabric of the space/time continuum? Should we learn from documentaries and follow Dr. Brown’s warnings about time paradoxes? Or do we just go nutzo and just nuke the heck out of the past and see what happens? I mean… Arthas is right there and I’m pretty sure a 5man group could take him at this point. Or worse yet… since you take the forms of humans in CoT, does that mean it goes by Quantum Leap physics and all we’re doing is jumping into their bodies… trying to right the wrongs of the past… and hoping that our next leap… will be the leap home?
Transcript: English
It’s not easy being a Gnome… People never notice you, trip over you, set drinks on your head, always looking down on you… It’s a very dangerous thing when everyone is more than 3 times your size. So I implore you all, every once in a while, look down and make sure you’re not stepping on one of your little buddies.
For my friends out there who don’t know warriors… Bladestorm is a pretty wicked “whirlwind” type attack… There are some Youtube vids of it’s overpoweredness in PvP (though I’m sure, like everything else that’s fun, it has been or will be nerfed into oblivion… sigh… I miss AV+Spellsteal+Iceblock…)
A suggestion from a distant land, Kalessin @ Demon Soul also guest stars in this week’s comic. >)
*I would also like to say a BIG thank you to the gentleman in shytown that sent me such a generous donation! I appreciate it so much! Totally made my day! >D
Transcript: English
Like, oh man! This was literally the 2nd comic I wanted to make after the Red Shirt back in 07! For some reason, it just remained in my sketch for what, 3 years? XD But now it has been unleashed!
So here it is, Coffinshaker’s insanity! Yeah, if you haven’t figured it out by now, Coffin has a bit of a run away imagination.
I don’t remember if back then they had the cross servers yet, but every now and then I thought about this comic when I’d run into an RP server in a random group. For the most part, you’d never know the difference; I mean, the RPers just converse normally with you. However… Every now and then… You’ll find a rogue RPer that tosses out the “We must smite the Lich King for the glory of the Horde! Come men, let us take arms and defeat his ghastly fiends!” or something to that extent. And that’s when you weigh your options to hit the “vote to kick” button and wait another hour for a tank… or just play along and stick it out.
That is not to say I don’t like RP or RPers… I do… but sometimes… I just want to finish OCC as fast as possible without any distractions. Mostly though, I find randoms fairly sterile in conversation. It’s usually a few pleasantries followed by a “gg” at the end. I guess sometimes I miss the old school pugs with people crackin wise, catching up with friends, and strategy briefs before a pull.
ANYWAYS, hope you enjoy it! I’m actually happy it finally got released from sketchbook limbo. >D
Transcript: English
Behold! World of Speechcraft!
Before Icecrown Citadel, I thought the Argent Tournament intro speech was bad! At least you can skip that one… As for the rest of these; I do enjoy the lore associated with them, however, once I heard the speech, I’d rather just get on with the fighting every time after that. And when you get right down to it… it all turns into some kind of weird soap opera type thing. They all have some weird bizarre problem that they are stubbornly passionate about and, of course, will go on to tell you all about it…
Seriously… if I was a boss and some punks broke into my lair, I wouldn’t rattle on with some long winded speeches about this and that and boo hoo hoo… No! I’d lay the smack down! It all reminds me of the old batman/superman comics where the badguy will tell them the whole plan before they die a slow and unmoderated death… to which they escape and save the day. Come on villains! Get with it! Just squish them and move on… cause they’re probably just buffing up while you’re giving them your life story.
For those not yet to ICC, here’s an excellent site (except for the last one) with their real speeches (spoilers… I guess): ICC Intro, Lady Deathwhisper, Gunship Battle, Saurfang, and Lich King.
Transcript: English
Funny story… While making this comic, as I do with most, I logged into WoWland to get some ideas for the scenery and whatnot. Flew all around Storm Peaks taking screenshots of various locations. Well, this all happened last tuesday, during the big 24hr maintenance on my (as well as many others’) server. So there I was, checking out the Timelost Protodrake’s flightpath, when I see it! Right there on the edge of my max distance! Sadly… by the time I figured it out and mounted up I was too late… Timelost had disappeared into the sunset… How very sad… >(
This comic is dedicated to all those out there who try to do things by the book, follow the encounter strategies, only to have some loladin* run up and laugh at your group as he solo’s the evil boss. Heck, I remember a time when the quest “Threat From Above” required 3 people at least… now you got pallies and druids and most of everyone else just downing that guy without ever losing more than a quarter of their hp! Humbug I say!
*My main is a pally so uh… so in case you’re reading this, don’t actually nerf pallies, Blizz! was just joking…. DONT DO IT!!! XO
Comic suggestion by Jarkai
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Hunters have a lot of tricks up their sleeves and as a former hunter, I have to say… I have done this more than I’d care to admit! Sometimes things get a little too dicey in PvP and playing dead seems like such a good idea. Feign Death drops you from their target, you look dead, and unless you’re within an inch of your life with a DOT, then MAYBE they’ll go away. Especially if all kinds of chaos is going on around you. Of course, there’s your faithful pet standing right next to your body and the confused look on their faces when just a second ago you had full health… That’s when things usually don’t go very well…
(Just in case there’s some confusion, especially with all you Alliance players, the Forsaken have the ability Cannibalize, which lets them eat dead humanoids to restore some HP.)
This was actually one of the first ideas I had back in 2007 when Coffin Comics was but a dream. Seems like such a long time ago now…
Cameos for this week include old Twotoes (remember him?), Elasue, Kishkuman, and my old hunter SaltyBill.
Transcript: English
Having noticed that quite a bit of my comics show cigarettes, I thought it was time we sat down and had ourselves a little chat. Sure, smoking might not seem like much at first… You take a 5min break after you down a boss. No big deal right? That’s like 1 in an hour or so? But then it happens… It’s a smoke break after you clear some trash mobs, right before you fight the boss… Then a smoke break after a wipe. “Lets take a break, watch the training video, read up on the fight, etc… Just take 5min.” you say. That’s when it hits you! You’ve been “forgetting” to taunt, equipping your RP gear, healing yourself instead of the raid… just so you can wipe and get another fix! You try to apologize but nobody can hear you in Vent cause you’ve got 10 cigs shoved in your mouth all at once!*
*above scenario may be slightly over-dramatized…
In all seriousness… I’m not going to say what you should or should not do if you’re a grown up, that’s up to you. But it’s not the healthiest thing around. And kids, just wait till you’re old enough to make informed decisions; it may seem cool at the time cause everyone on tv does it, but wait till you’re 30 and get winded walking to the bathroom. So let this be your intervention! Go grab yourself a carrot or something and kick the habit! >)
This comic, suggested by Sairen, has been dedicated to my good guildies, Sinnister and Coffeecreamr. /scowldisapprovingly
Transcript: English
Ah yes, it’s Children’s Week once again! The time when we honor those orphans of war who have but one dream; to get out and explore the world. But I can’t help but feel a little bad for them. I mean, for the last 3 years I’ve taken little Grunth to all his favorite places, even hopped him up on sweets before taking him back to the orphanage. Yet, for a child in an orphanage of, at most, half a dozen kids, taken around the world by millions of people every year, it seems kind of depressing that he has yet to be adopted! Same goes with Salandria and Roo! Why can’t we adopt these little guys?! I promise not to take them any place, uh, too dangerous… >)
Though, if we look at it optimistically… Later on we get the [Argent Gruntling] and even a [Curious Oracle Hatchling] pet and maybe, just maybe, we can pretend they are Grunth and Roo? I just love a happy ending!
Transcript: English
This week, I thought I’d cover the topic of “Raid Texting”. I know many of you out there do it! Don’t even try to deny it! Things get a little slow, you get tired of pressing the #2 on your keyboard, so you start chatting it up. Might start off as a whisper or two, then after a while it progresses to an all out chat-a-thon with multiple chat tabs going with a dozen people… and that’s when it happens… you don’t even know where you are because you put the auto-follow on the priest and everyone around you is dead and angry.
Raid Texting is the leading cause of wipes! So please, save the chitchat until after the raid!
In related news… Coffin Comics is now on Twitter! (lol, c wut i did ther?)
Transcript: English
Least he had chicken? Sometimes, just for fun, my little Mage likes to go fisticuffs style… mostly just miss, but sometimes he’ll land a right cross to the chin for a whopping 1 damage (critical of course).
Now then… With the recent changes announced to the Paladin class, I knew I had to make this comic asap (you know, before everybody forgets about the good times).
So, as a Paladin with buff QQs as my anger management trigger, I have definitely passed out Might to every caster in a raid when bombarded with a million whispers for Wisdom or Kings. Seriously, after a wipe or when getting set up, wait for everyone to get in before begging for buffs. Because 10 seconds later, someone else will waltz into the instance and be like “Hey gang, how bout some buffs?” XD
Heaven forbid you put the wrong buff, Wisdom or Might (or even Kings) on the wrong person! That’s grounds for all out war! But them crafty minions working at Blizzard decided to combine them, specifically, to curb my buff rage issues. Heh. >)
For the record, this is a reference to Legend of the Seeker. I got totally addicted to that show after practicing my insomnia skills on Sundays… it was like, Xena but with more slow motion. If you are new to the show, or will be soon, the first season was all about the slow-mo jump attacks! I’d love to recommend making a drinking game of it, but I don’t want to be responsible for any alcohol poisoning incidents.
Transcript: English
I don’t think they’ve ever seen a real chicken…
Ah yes, the chicken dance… This little quest brought me many fond memories of clucking like an idiot in Westfall. Then you have the Horde… flapping their arms, dancing around, all in a vain attempt to impress a little bird that would inevitably side with the Alliance anyways… traitorous fowl!* Why, I remember back in WoW-Classic, there would be dozens of Allies clucking about trying to get this pet. What a sight!
I know this week is a little bit of an obscure reference, but you all should really watch some episodes of Arrested Development. Another great show cut short by the executive suits… At least there’s a movie coming…
*Of course the good people at Blizzard patched this not too long ago, allowing the Horde to get this pet as well! >D
Transcript: English
WHAT?! 9000?!?!?!
That bad ol Coffinshaker, casting Slow on his own peeps! Unfortunately in next week’s comic, we learn that after a 30min fight, all the mobs in the pull die and his Exorcism fails. Ah well, there’s always the week after that… >)
This week’s cameo features Nithrenduel!